Stories covered in episode: Malnourished seven-month-old baby dies weighing just 9lbs in Belgium after his parents fed him a gluten-free diet which included quinoa milk Likely Vatican Ambassador Callista Gingrich's Company Hawked Biblical Cancer "Cure" Jon Robberson: A Satanic Pedophile Ring Blackmailed Robin Williams Into Making ‘Patch Adams’ Jim…
Lance Wallnau On The Anti-Trump Resistance: ‘The Only Thing They Are Resisting Is God’ Jim Bakker: Bill O’Reilly’s Firing Part Of Dangerous Plot To Silence Conservatives Rick Wiles: Trump Is Being Blackmailed To Do The Bidding Of The Satanic ‘Dark State Dutch Sheets: ‘Evil Spirits’ Are Manifesting Because Christians…
Stories covered in episode: Anti-vax activists cause record measles outbreak among refugees GOP rep: ‘Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare’ Alabama congressman: “People who lead good lives” don’t have preexisting conditions Televangelist Ernest Angley closes the Cathedral Buffet Kevin Swanson: The Goal Of Public Schools Is To…
Stories covered in episode: Trump now agrees with the majority of Americans: He wasn’t ready to be president Bill Nye mocked gay ‘cure’ therapy and now he’s getting online death threats Rick Wiles: ‘They’re Building A Global Brain That Will Embody Lucifer’s Mind’ Dave Daubenmire: The ‘Leg-Crossers’ At Fox News…
Stories covered in episode: Polygamous Mormon Church Allowed to Keep Its Police Force Former Ohio mayor who called himself ‘dedicated’ Christian admits to molesting girl, called her ‘willing participant’: court docs San Antonio Mayor Says Atheism Causes Poverty 3 Pakistani women confess to killing man over blasphemy Chechnya’s President Vows…
Stories covered in episode: An Idaho sheriff's daunting battle to investigate when children of a faith-healing sect die Her 11-year-old daughter was shot. But she believes ‘God directed that bullet’ Anatomy of a Lynching 208 ‘Extraordinary, good man’: A Utah judge’s description of a former Mormon bishop convicted of…
Sound issues clear up at 6:46 on the recording. Stories covered in episode: Top 10 Bizarre Easter Traditions from Around the World Crucifixion of Jesus Christ re-enacted in Philippines Nine Of The Weirdest Easter Traditions Around The World Jury finds pastor Kenneth Adkins guilty of 8 charges in child…
Thanks to Anthony for joining us. Stories covered in episode: Dave Daubenmire Blames Trump’s Jewish Daughter And Son-In-Law For U.S. Airstrike On Syria Rick Joyner Can’t Understand Why People Get So Worked Up Just Because Putin Has ‘Had Some People Knocked Off’ David Silverman Debating But Also Incorporating…
Our Easter Livestream. Audio right in the beginning is bad.
Stories covered in episode: Christian activist: ‘God will curse the children and grandchildren of those who opposed Trump’ , Rape victims can have a good life if they marry their rapists: Tasek Gelugor MP Lakewood mall plan opposed because it would allow non-Jews and ‘hanging out’ Pat Robertson: We Have…
Stories covered in episode: Pat Robertson Yesterday: Mark My Words, The Lord Will Give Trump The Votes To Pass Trumpcare [VIDEO] Tamil Nadu youth killed for being an atheist, father says he too will become one Imam calling for Jews to be killed in sermon at Montreal mosque draws police…
Islamic Cleric: The Simpsons Episode “Predicting” Trump’s Presidency Is a Plot to Discredit Allah This GOP Lawmaker Wants Christian Doomsday Militias To ‘Restore The Fabric Of America’ (VIDEO) The Texas AG sued to keep a Bible quote in school. Now he’s troubled by Muslim prayers. UPDATE: Idaho Senate Kills 'Faith…
Thanks to Adam Reakes for coming on the show! You can find his work below! EPA chief Scott Pruitt says carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to global warming Christian group event ‘sabotaged’ by thousands of obscene RSVPs ‘I will break your neck’: Alex Jones challenges ‘scumbag’…
Thanks to @RisMcCool for joining us. You can find her work below! Inciting Incident - The Podcast The PC Lie: How American Voters Decided I Don't Matter Stories covered in episode: Church blames 'consumerism' and 'temptations of body' after Catholic priest 'rapes 15-year-old girl' Dozens Say Christian…
In this episode, the guys start by reviewing Donald Trump's speech to congress. Then they discuss several news stories including: Stories covered in episode: Rick Wiles: Flynn Forced Out By ‘Devil-Worshiping, Luciferian, Demon-Possessed Maniacs’ Behind Global Child Molestation Ring Rick Wiles: If Hillary Clinton Won, We Would All Be Dead From…
Here's a mid-week show to help all of us process the Trump Conference debacle. Toy can watch the actual video if you want here:
Special thanks to Michael Marshall for joining us @MrMMarsh. You can find his work: Merseyside Skeptics Good Thinking Society Bad PR Stories covered in episode: RELIGION Creationist Ken Ham claims dinosaurs and humans fought in gladiator battles Court sentences main suspect in deadly Frankfurt exorcism to jail time Josh Bernstein:…
This week on Cognitive Dissonance, Tom and Cecil cover more disturbing articles from recent news. The first story on the block, Pakistan bans Valentine’s Day for being Un-Islamic. No more heart shaped burkas for your sweetie. Faith-based organizations from Christian News express opposition to a St. Louis proposal adding Women…
We watch some of the presidential press conference.
Thanks to @angryblackrant for joining us. Tom, Cecil, and Ishmael talk about Jesse Lee Peterson’s opinion that if there were no black people in America, we wouldn’t have as many murders and riots. Cecil and Tom then discuss how and why the Republican side was so much better at cock…
Thanks to Dan for coming on the show! You can find Dan's blog Danthropology, on Patheos You can also follow him on twitter at @danarel Stories covered in episode: Priest tells anti-Trump protesters to commit suicide Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch is a Disaster for Church/State Separation Joseph Farah: ‘Sin,…
Stories covered in episode: Here's a list of everything President Donald Trump did in week one. #TheProjectTV When even men who risk their lives for the US are denied entry, the dream of America is dead Politics Behind closed doors, Republican lawmakers fret about how to repeal Obamacare House Republicans’…
Thanks to Andre, from The Atheist Candidate Project for stopping by the studio. The Atheist Candidate Project is designed to connect people who are thinking about running for office as an atheist with individuals who can offer mentorship, guidance, and web skills. How can you help? Contribute. Donate at…
In this episode, Cecil and Tom discuss a couple of stories including one about a politician allegedly inappropriately grabbing a woman in her genital area, a story about how we will all become Muslim because of atheism and paganism, a priest files a complaint with Irish Government after comedian calls Communion…