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Ian’s ads
Listen just for Ian’s ads.
Tom and Cecil are wonderful. This on my weekly rotation of podcasts that I listen to without fail. I love that they don't shy away from difficult topics and I appreciate their points of view as more experienced atheists. This is absolutely one of the best atheist podcasts out there, hands down.
Best podcast ever. Best Adam and Eve ads ever.
Episode 572 has the best ad skit for Adam and ever i laughed for ever. This podcast has been my all time favorite alongside citation needed, the skepticrat, the scathing atheist, god awful movies and lastly D and D minus not as much but a little. These guys are smart and they haven’t lied about any news stories as far as I’m aware which some news sources will do. Thanks Tom and Cecil please keep up the good work I don’t want to live in a world with no new content from you guys!!!!
They never fail to make me laugh as well as get me fired up at the crazy world we live in. Cecil and Tom are awesome, have big hearts, and are never shy to make fun of garbage people!
Thank you
These guys helped me a lot when I realized I was an atheist. I went through this period where I wondered if there was any purpose to life. I also felt like there were no other atheists around to chat with. This show, along with a few others, really buoyed me. The show is absolutely hilarious. These guys are awesome.
Please contact this First Assembly of God , Gal
I would like to know exactly everything you believe as I am struggling in my faith. Thank you. Shantel
Stars and Stripes
An American classic.
Totally Excellent Show!
I love this podcast and I still agree with Eli Bosnick when he was on the show! Episode number 555 Fake Phone Number 👻
No choice
I’ve listened to this podcast for years, and loathed every minute of it. Long have I sat stone-faced as Tom and Cecil told jokes that didn’t land about subjects I consider off-limits while espousing political opinions contrary to my own. On a recent episode however they made a hilarious comment I completely agreed with about something I considered well-deserving of ridicule. Alas that leaves me no choice but to give them a five star review in response. May glory be thy whole, gentlemen.
Episode 548
I became the bad neighbor after an incident with the woman below me. In my apartment, the hardwood floors are extremely warped and our walls are paper thin. Most of us are single men and women, in our late 20s to early 30s. With that said, adult noises that are made, will be heard. One day, the neighbor underneath me complained to me about my adult activities and the sounds accompanied by them. I reply with “your sounds are just as loud and clear.” During her next rendezvous, one of her suitors had parked in my designated parking spot. As a physically disabled combat veteran, I found it quite irritating to find my parking spot used by a vehicle that is not familiar with the building. Eventually, her date exits the unit, we lock eyes and not a single word was made as they make my parking spot available to me. A week passes and we never speak about the incident. I never get an apology; whenever we pass in the hallway, I get a good old-fashioned scowl. For the next three years (until she left), I stomped around in my old combat boots as if they were house slippers, started a smoking habit out of spite, and was the host of several orgies in my unit. I would name more activities, but to tickle your imagination; for every holiday, there was a loud, room shaking event on top of her.
Another tried and true favorite
I left a similar review on the GAM podcast, but I’m here also to say that this podcast is the best! I’ve been listening for years and it’s just one of those podcasts I look forward to every week without fail. I love Tom & Cecil’s humor, and how you guys break down big topics, making them easy to understand and hilarious. This show is comforting and constant in a world that can be harsh and chaotic.
So sane, the insane is obvious
News, politics, and morality of the culture are such interesting topics Cecil and Tom have the best grasp of humor to fill their commentary with. I listen every week and even caught up on the catalogue. The history of what we have gone through really puts things into perspective. The things I care about as an atheist concerned about freedom of thought and religion and such issues are all covered in the scope of this show. I even have gained new incites into foundations Vulgarity for Charity and Modest Needs.
BLUF - Hilarious
As far as media goes this show is the highlight of my week. Every week.
You guys are total heartthrobs!
I think these are the only two guys on the planet who could tell a rape joke without offending me. Thank you for standing up for women and against religion, this show keeps me sane when politics are really pissing me off. For me, filled the space The Daily Show left behind, but way more vulgar and way more areligious, which is perfect. Only suggestion is to read up a little bit more on science before blabbering about it out loud. I definitely spit out my beer listening to the episode where they both got confused about “spinning blood samples”- apparently they weren’t aware of centrifuges. This goes for most of the off-the-cuff chemistry / biology comments on the show.
My Audio BFFs
Tom & Cecil have been bright spots on hard days for the last couple years for me. If I need comfort or entertainment or company on lonely days, I turn them on. Living in the Bible Belt as an atheist can feel impossible sometimes and knowing they’re just headphones away is everything.
Fantastic content. Funny, topical, and doesn’t hold back as we watch the country become closer and closer to the movie Idiocracy.
Good ol boys
Listen for all the crass political and cultural commentary your inner heretic can handle.
Thanks guys
This podcast helps preserve my sanity on a weekly basis.
Just be honest.
Just be honest
Sassy and crass
Got emotionally damaged, would listen again....
Love the show
Cognitive Dissonance was my first intro into the world of atheist podcasts. Even in a relatively liberal city, I don’t know a lot of “out” atheists, so having these guys in my ears has been cathartic and hilarious, especially in the last four years. Sometimes I want to yell into the void and other times I want to point and laugh at its absurdity, and this show gives you both. GLORYHOLE.
Definitely my favorite podcast and the podcast that actually got me into podcasts. It’s been a while since you guys mentioned your ratings, but I mostly see five star reviews so I guess the people who hate your laughing have finally found other podcasts. Five stars and gloryhole 🤘🏻
Love them
These guys helped me through some tough times, and I’m sure I’m not alone! Thanks for making me laugh when nothing else was working!
California Ripper
A California Ripper would smell like kale not broccoli!
Gl*ry H*le M*ther F~ckers!!!!!
Faithful listener for ~6 years. Never fails to inspire, make me spit take at least once an episode, and challenge my thought process on key issues.
I want to have a beer with these guys.
Look forward to this podcast every week as well as the stream on Thursdays. While these guys are absolutely hilarious, they also dive into some serious discussions which I always find very entertaining. Definitely worth a listen!
Best Show
I love this show i have been listening to this show since the begining i think i started around episode 3.
The glory hole is deeper than you think
Come for the jokes, stay for the in depth thought.
Great podcast
Awesome mix of news and comedy. Very enjoyable.