Stories covered in episode:
An Idaho sheriff's daunting battle to investigate when children of a faith-healing sect die Her 11-year-old daughter was shot. But she believes ‘God directed that bullet’ Anatomy of a Lynching 208 ‘Extraordinary, good man’: A Utah judge’s description of a former Mormon bishop convicted of rape Alex Jones’ Lawyer: It’s All An Act! Alex Jones: I Am Not Fake! ‘I Am Completely Real And Everybody Knows It’ Rick Joyner: It Is Trump’s ‘Destiny’ To Subdue Ungodly Nations To Allow For The Spreading Of Christianity Kevin Swanson Blasts ‘Beauty And The Beast’ For Promoting ‘Inter-Species Breeding’ Jim Bakker: Conservatives Never Marched Against Obama Wayne Allyn Root: Trump ‘Solidified’ His Re-election By Dropping The ‘Mother Of All Bombs’ On Afghanistan