Cognitive Dissonance Podcast - Episode 7: There's no place like Norway

Norway massacre exposes incendiary immigration issue
An un-American response to the Oslo attack
Amid Bachmann controversy, many Christians cool to conversion therapy for gays
Bachmann Predicted The World Would End In 2006: 'We Are In The Last Days'
Austrian Man Wins Right To Wear Pasta Strainer In License Photo
Sorry, O'Reilly: Anders Breivik Is A Christian
9/11 Settlement Doesn't Fully Address Cancer Issues
NSW rabbis brawl over child abuse
Sex abuse led to 26 suicides says policeman
Loving Christians respond to atheists
Rick Perry Asked Why More Kids Are Getting Pregnant in Texas
Climate Change and Cloud Cover -- the new report
Glenn Beck Flip-Flops By Promoting And Criticizing Youth Political Camps

Check out he episode here:

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