Eli Bosnick

Eli Bosnick Profile Photo

Eli Bosnick is a comedian and podcaster with two shows. God Awful Movies, in which Eli, Heath Enwright and Noah Lugeons team up for a weekly, Mystery Science Theater 3000-like dive into bad religious movies in a misguided attempt to prove that if god existed, his PR couldn’t possibly be this bad.

Eli’s second show, The Scathing Atheist, delves into theistic attempts to intrude on the secular world in an unflinching expose on just how juvenile the whole god thing is.

In his spare time, he does magic tricks.

Oct. 25, 2021

Episode 600 Part A

Thanks to all the awesome listeners AND especially those that sent in messages. EVEN MORE especially those musical messages in the bumpers. And make sure to follow George Hrab at https://twitter.com/georgehrab Knowledge Fight...
Aug. 23, 2021

Episode 591: V4C 2019 Part 12

Show Notes Kabul’s Sudden Fall to Taliban Ends U.S. Era in Afghanistan North Carolina is child bride destination; bill could end it Biden administration approves largest increase to food assistance benefits in SNAP program hi...
July 19, 2021

Episode 586: V4C 2019 Part 11

Show Notes San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus soloists ‘received death threats’ after satirical song is misunderstood Amid Catholic opposition, states are legalizing composting of human remains Geocaching While Black: Outdoor Pas...
March 15, 2021

Episode 568: V4C 2019 Part 10

Show Notes House Gives Final Approval to Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Pandemic Relief Bill Study suggests that the modern anti-vaccine movement is shaped by Christian nationalist ideology Disgraced Bigot Milo Yiannopoulos: I’m “Ex-G...