This Episode covers the week of Oct 3rd - 10th, 2011. Steve Jobs followed natural medine, Creationsts caught on camera, Occupy Wall St, Bill O'Reilly says people who need jobs should just get them, Herman Cain is delusional, Conservative infighting,...

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This Episode covers the week of Oct 3rd - 10th, 2011. Steve Jobs followed natural medine, Creationsts caught on camera, Occupy Wall St, Bill O'Reilly says people who need jobs should just get them, Herman Cain is delusional, Conservative infighting, Conservapedia: Border Patrol, Invisible man rapes girl. Clips used: The Nightline Face-Off: Does God Have a Future?, Creationism propaganda for children caught on camera, CSPN, Entertainment Tonight, Keep Conservatives United, A Few Good Men.